
Tendons are thick, tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect muscle to bone. When a tendon becomes inflamed or irritated, the condition is called tendonitis. Tendonitis can occur in any of the tendons. However, it commonly occurs around the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and heels.
Tendonitis typically stems from repetitive movement over time or a sudden injury. Fortunately, there are several treatment options for tendonitis that help reduce pain and inflammation.
Symptoms of Tendonitis
- A dull ache, especially when moving the affected area
- Swelling and redness around the affected area
- A lump developing along the tendon
- Reduced range of motion
- Tenderness
Causes of Tendonitis
The most common causes of tendonitis include repetitive movements and sudden injuries. Other risk factors include:
The water content in our tendons decreases as we get older, making the tissues stiffer and less able to resist strain. As a result, people over the age of 40 are more susceptible to tendonitis.
Jobs or hobbies that require repetitive movements, frequent overhead reaching, and forceful exertion may increase your risk of tendonitis. Occupations associated with a higher risk of developing tendonitis include:
- Carpenters
- Painters
- Plumbers
- Gardeners
Participating in Sports
Playing sports, such as tennis, basketball, baseball, golf, and bowling, can increase your risk of tendonitis. Before participating in any sport, be sure to warm up your muscles and tendons to avoid injury.
Pre-existing Health Conditions
Individuals with health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and kidney disease are more likely to develop tendonitis.
Physical Trauma
Physical trauma such as a sudden, strong blow to the joint or limb may cause tendonitis. This is especially common in the elbows, wrists, and knees.
Treatment for Tendonitis
Having an individualized treatment plan is essential when treating tendonitis. There are a variety of treatment options available to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with tendonitis, including:
Pain Relievers
Medications can help reduce inflammation and may relieve the discomfort associated with tendonitis. Common pain relievers for tendonitis include aspirin, naproxen sodium (Aleve), or ibuprofen.
RICE Treatment
Using the RICE method may provide relief from pain and swelling. This includes:
- Rest – Avoid activities that cause pain.
- Ice – Place ice in a plastic bag and apply it to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes, several times a day.
- Compression – Apply an elastic bandage or wrap to the affected area to help stabilize the joint.
- Elevation – Keep the affected area raised above heart level. This may help play a role in reducing the swelling.
Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)
PRP therapy uses the growth and healing factors found within the individual’s blood to help facilitate a natural healing process.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapists can help reduce inflammation and stiffness in an affected tendon by providing massage therapy, injections, and gentle stretching. The therapist may also offer valuable strengthening exercises for surrounding muscles.
Tendonitis Treatment at Rejuvinix
Rejuvinix offers a variety of personalized, non-surgical treatments tailored to your specific condition. To learn more about which treatment is right for you, fill out the form at the bottom of this page, or call one of our offices for more information.